Presentasi dan Pemberian Beasiswa Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co. Ltd kepada Mahasiswa FI

Di tahun 2016, Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co. Ltd kembali memberikan beasiswa kepada mahasiswa program studi Jepang, Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya Universitas Indonesia (FIB UI). Di tahun keempat pemberian beasiswa ini, Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co. Ltd dan FIB UI mengadakan acara pertemuan penyerahan program beasiswa dengan direksi, pimpinan dan akademia FIB UI di Auditorium Gedung IV, FIB UI yang juga disertai dengan presentasi Public Literacy: Introduction to Leasing Company by Japanese Leasing Company. Acara diawali dengan sambutan dan ungkapan terima kasih dari Wakil Dekan Bidang Akademik, Riset dan Kemahasiswaan, Pak Manneke Budiman, Ph.D. Program beasiswa berupa biaya pendidikan selama 2 semester atau 1 tahun akademik dari Mitsubishi ini diakui sangat membantu banyak mahasiswa-mahasiswa terbaik di prodi Jepang FIB UI dalam mencapai aspirasi dan membentuk masa depannya. Perusahaan multinasional yang berbasis di Jepang merupakan salah satu destinasi karir favorit para mahasiswa prodi Jepang, dan beberapa di antaranya juga sudah bergabung dan menjadi bagian penting di Mitsubishi Indonesia.

Mewakili pihak Mistubishi, Mr. Isao Someya selaku President Director dan Mr. Katsuya Kitahara selaku General Manager memberikan sambutan dan harapannya akan terjalinnya hubungan yang bermanfaat dan berkesinambungan antara FIB UI dan Mitsubishi pada khususnya, serta Indonesia dan Jepang pada umumnya.

Tahun ini, penerima beasiswa dari Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co. Ltd adalah 6 mahasiswa tingkat 2 dan 3 dari prodi Jepang, antara lain Vania Ardhiani, Siti Adelia, Mauza Pramurdhavardhani, Silvia Adriana, Bayu Aji Pamungkas dan Miski Nushrotillah. Pada kesempatan tersebut, Siti Adelia sebagai perwakilan dari mahasiswa prodi Jepang juga memberikan pidato singkat sebagai ungkapan terima kasih dan komitmennya untuk menggunakan kesempatan berharga ini sebaik-baiknya.

Turut hadir pada acara di Senin siang tersebut dosen-dosen dan mahasiswa prodi Jepang lainnya, yang mendengarkan presentasi Public Literacy: Introduction to Leasing Company by Japanese Leasing Company yang dibawakan oleh Mr. Bryan D. Kasenda, salah satu direktur Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co. Ltd Indonesia dan menyaksikan pemutaran video profil perusahaan Mitsubishi.


Mitsubishi Scholarship to FIB Students and Financial Literacy Presentation 2016

For its fourth year of cooperation with FIB UI, Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co. Ltd grants 6 scholarship schemes for the students of Japanese Study Program of FIB UI as a part of its community service. In respect to this generosity, FIB UI hosted a formal gathering between Mitsubishi directors and FIB’s faculty members consisting of Public Literacy Presentation themed as Introduction to Leasing Company by Japanese Leasing Company and Scholarship Awarding at the Building IV Auditorium of FIB UI, Depok campus. 

Attended by the Vice Dean of Academic, Research and Student Affairs of FIB UI, Dr. Manneke Budiman and the academic members of the Japanese Study Program, the event was initiated by a welcoming remark from Dr. Manneke Budiman. To speak for all of the academic members of the faculty, Dr. Manneke Budiman thanked and appreciated the continuing support from Mitsubishi to the talented and outstanding students of Japanese Study program in the faculty. As a multionational company based in Japan, Mitsubishi has also been a top professional destination to which graduates of the Japanese Study program seek to establish their career. Some alumni of the Japanese Study program of FIB UI has succeeded to join and become important team members of Mitsubishi Indonesia.

Representing the Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co. Ltd, Mr. Isao Someya as the President Director and Mr. Katsuya Kitahara as the General Manager, gave brief speeches regarding the scholarship program and hopes on the continuing mutual cooperation with FIB UI in particular, and between Indonesia and Japan in general.

In 2016, the scholarship recipients are six 2nd and 3rd-year students of the Japanese Study program, deemed as some of the most outstanding among their peers, namely Vania Ardhiani, Siti Adelia, Mauza Pramurdhavardhani, Silvia Adriana, Bayu Aji Pamungkas and Miski Nushrotillah. On this occassion, Ms. Siti Adelia as the student representative also gave a thank you note on the acholarship opportunity and committed to make the best out of the valuable support from Mitsubishi.

Among the audience is also the lecturers and other students of the Japanese Study Program, attending the Public Literacy Induction delivered by Mr. Bryan D. Kasenda, one of the directors of Mitsubishi UFJ Lease & Finance Co. Ltd Indonesia and Mistubishi’s company profile video screening.

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