Call for Papers! International Undergraduate Symposium on Humanities and Arts 2016

In the last few decades, global interactions have become much more complex and fast-changing. Social, political, economic, and cultural issues have become more and more multidimensional and involved transnational engagement as a result of globalization, while there have been crises in nationalism and the loosening up of traditional national boundaries. Furthermore, the rapid advancement of information and communication technology is also responsible in transforming behavior, ways of thinking, and cultural productions nowadays.

Without repositioning themselves, the humanities and arts may suffer from stagnation, or even immobilized, as various cross-cultural and cross-sectoral phenomena are happening very fast. Therefore, the Center for Cultural and Societal Research (PPKB) of the Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, organizes a special symposium that provides a rare opportunity for (senior) undergraduate students who are in the process of writing or finishing their final papers/thesis to present their ideas and insights regarding the current situation of their fields of study based on their visions and ongoing research. Supervisors are strongly encouraged to co-present with their advisees as corresponding author to help boost the spirit and motivation of their students.

The symposium will look at two major themes: Theme A:  “Humanities and Arts across Disciplinary Boundaries” is designated for students learning philosophy, anthropology, archaeology, history, library and information science, religious studies, and arts, among others. Theme B: “New Imaginations in Language, Literature, and Arts,” is concerned with the study of literature, language, cultural studies, and area studies.

The International Undergraduate Symposium is organized by the Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia in partnership with the Directorate of Research and Community Engagement, Universitas Indonesia as an annual academic event meant to promote fresh and original ideas coming from young intellectuals on various issues in the humanities and arts. It is a collaborative work of fifteen undergraduate studies programs to bring closer senior students to their final-assignment supervisors in the area of research and scientific publication.

We welcome individual paper submission by senior undergraduate students based on their final assignment/thesis. However, participants are strongly encouraged to co-submit with their supervisor. The supervisor will appear on the paper as a corresponding author.

The paper shall not exceed 3000 words (excluding reference list), typed at 1.5 space, using Times New Roman font size 12. The margins at four sides should be set at 1 inch.

Information regarding the author (and co-author), higher education institution, faculty and department/studies program, and email address shall be provided on the first page.

The paper shall begin with an introductory section explaining the background of the research, why the topic is chosen, research problem identification, and the objective of the paper.

The body of the paper shall contain brief literature survey, data/finding presentation, and analysis presented in a concise and systematic manner.

The final section is the concluding section, showing the result of the analysis, recommendation (if any), and statements of how the research result may contribute to the scholarship and exchange of thoughts in the related field.

All submissions shall be done through the OCS (Open Conference System). if OCS submission fails, please contact the Symposium Committee at:

Selected papers will be further processed for publication by an international publisher upon the recommendation from the Symposium’s Editorial Board.


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