SDG 6 : Clean Water and Sanitation

SDG 6 : Clean Water and Sanitation

6.2 Water consumption per person

6.2.1 Measure the total volume of water used in the university that is taken from mains supply, desalinated, or extracted from rivers, lakes, or aquifers?

6.2.2 Water consumption per person

Volume of water used in the university: Inbound (treated/extracted water)

6.3 Water usage and care

6.3.1 Wastewater treatment

A process in place to treat wastewater.

6.3.2 Preventing water system pollution

Processes to prevent polluted water entering the water system, including pollution caused by accidents and incidents at the university.

6.3.3 Free drinking water provided

Provide free drinking water for students, staff and visitors (e.g. drinking water fountains).

6.3.4 Water-conscious building standards

6.3.5 Water-conscious planting

Plant landscapes to minimise water usage. (e.g. use drought-tolerant plants).

6.4 Water usage and care

6.4.1 Water reuse policy

Have a policy to maximise water reuse across the university?

6.4.2 Water reuse measurement

Measure the reuse of water across the university?

6.5 Water in the community

6.5.1 Water management educational opportunities

Provide educational opportunities for local communities to learn about good water management.

6.5.2 Promoting conscious water usage

Actively promote conscious water usage on campus, and in the wider community.

6.5.3 Off-campus water conservation support

Support water conservation off campus.

6.5.4 Sustainable water extraction on campus

6.5.5 Cooperation on water security