SDG 12 : Responsible Consumption and Production

SDG 12 : Responsible Consumption and Production

Prioritizing aspects of environmental preservation must be the foundation in every development process for a better future. Environmental conservation involves policies, implementation, and agencies that carry out environmental conservation. One of the problems that becomes the main concern of FIB UI is garbage. Garbage has always been a serious problem that threatens the environment, including the environment in Depok and Jakarta, where the University of Indonesia is located. Depok, for example, has so far only depended on one Cipayung landfill (Tempat Pembuangan Akhir/TPA) to be used as a final waste disposal site. Every day 1.3 tons of waste, and some of it is plastic waste and hazardous waste, accumulate in the TPA Cipayung so that the TPA Cipayung has been overcapacity for a long time. FIB UI actively tries to alleviate this problem, for example by reducing the use of goods made of plastic, sorting waste into three categories, namely degradable, undegradable, and hazardous waste, etc.

12.2 Operational measures

12.2.1 Ethical sourcing policy

Have a policy on ethical sourcing of food and supplies.

12.2.2 Policy waste disposal – hazardous materials

Have a policy, process or practice on waste disposal – Covering hazardous materials.

12.2.3 Policy waste disposal – landfill policy

Have a policy on waste disposal – to measure the amount of waste sent to landfill and recycled.

12.2.4 Policy for minimisation of plastic use

Have policies around use minimisation of plastic.

12.2.5 Policy for minimisation of disposable items

Have policies around use minimisation of disposable items.

12.2.6 Disposable policy: extensions to services

Ensuring these policies extend to outsourced services and the supply chain.

12.2.7 Minimisation policies extended to suppliers

Ensuring these policies extend to outsourced suppliers and the supply chain – (suppliers of equipment, stationary, building contracts).

12.3 Proportion of recycled waste

12.3.1 Waste tracking

Measure the amount of waste generated and recycled across the university.

12.3.2 Proportion of waste recycled

12.4 Publication of a sustainability report

12.4.1 Publication of a sustainability report