In order to increase the awareness of the Universitas Indonesia’s academic community towards education, research, and community service related to environmentally friendly organic waste management, Faculty of Humanities Universitas Indonesia (FIB UI) launched the “Jagat Asri, Budaya Lestari” campaign. This campaign aims to support the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 12 on Responsible Consumption and Production and SDG 14 on Life Below Water, as well as support the fulfillment of UI GreenMetric indicators, especially in the Waste and Education criteria.
The “Jagat Asri, Budaya Lestari” campaign was held on Friday, August 16, 2024, at 13.25 WIB, at the Daun Theater and Mahoni Lake located between FIB aUI nd the Faculty of Engineering UI. This activity is expected to be a concrete step in FIB UI’s efforts to become an agent of change, creating a comfortable, clean, green, beautiful, and healthy campus environment for all University of Indonesia academicians.
The event began with a commitment reading by all FIB UI stakeholders, including faculty leaders, students, lecturers, and education staff. This reading symbolizes a shared determination to continue to support FIB UI as a green and environmentally friendly campus, and to encourage increased environmental awareness among universities both at the national and global levels.
One of the main activities in this campaign is the pouring of eco enzyme into the lake in the FIB UI. Eco enzyme is a liquid from the fermentation of organic waste that can help purify water and break down harmful substances and bacteria in it. This activity be carried out by all FIB UI stakeholders, including students, lecturers, and faculty’s staffs.
According to the Dean of FIB UI, Dr. Bondan Kanumoyoso, S.S., M.Hum., This campaign is a manifestation of FIB UI’s commitment in supporting the Universitas Indonesia Rector’s Decree Number 2893/SK/R/UI/2018 on the UI Green Campus Policy. “By saying Bismillahirrohmanirrohim, we declare ‘Jagat Asri, Budaya Lestari‘ as a simultaneous movement of the FIB UI community in implementing environmentally friendly behavior and culture,” he said. (RMRW).