
FIB UI Held the International Conference on Japanese Studies, Language, and Education (ICJSLE) 2019

Japanese Studies Program of The Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia, The Association of Japanese Language Educators in Indonesia (ASPBJI), and Japan Foundation hosted the International Conference on Japanese Studies, Language, and Education (ICJSLE) 2019 under the theme of ‘Teaching in Industrialization Revolution 4.0’. Educators, experts, and practitioners in Japanese language and Japanese language education were invited to re-examine the repositioning of Japanese language and Japanese language education and their future prospect. The conference was held on the 3rd to 4th of August 2019 in Auditorium Building IV, Faculty of Humanities Universitas Indonesia, Depok.

On the first day of the conference, the opening ceremony was held in Auditorium building IV. The opening remarks delivered by Nurni W. Wuryandari, Ph.D. as the manager of academic affairs of the Faculty of Humanities UI, Dr. Endah Hayuni Wulandari as the head of Japanese Studies Program Universitas Indonesia, and Prof. Dr. Djodjok Soepardjo as the head of association of Japanese language education studies in Indonesia (ASPBJI).  The two keynote speakers were from Prof. Kubota Yoshiko (Mejiro University, Japan) who presented about ‘Changes in Japanese Non-Native Teachers’ Beliefs-Focus on the Role of Teachers’ and from Prof. Dr. Djojok Soepardjo (Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia) who delivered his speech on ‘Cross-Cultural Understanding of Japanese Language Education in the Industrial Revolution 4.0.’

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Japanese Studies Programs’ students performed a dance with a song “Yume to Hazakura (dream and Sakura leaves)” in the opening ceremony. This session was followed by giving token of appreciation to the keynote speakers and workshop facilitator. The parallel sessions were held afterwards in building IV. There were two parallel sessions that were divided into 8 panels, with a total of 29 presenters.

On the second day, the workshop on writing and publishing your academic paper were held with Nuria Haristiani, M.Ed., Ph.D (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandung, Indonesia) as the facilitator.

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